Missed Miscarriage Misoprostol Semi Worked What Now?


At a 12 week ultrasound we found a nine week sized baby and no heart beat. My husband and I were devastated as the midwife tried to explain our options. Wait it out, take medication, or have a D and C.

I didn’t think waiting was the right thing to do. I work out of town a lot and I didn’t want to be a two hour flight away from home when the miscarriage decided to happen. I knew right away that I wanted to avoid a D and C if possible. I know it’s a harmless procedure, but still! It’s a surgical matter and I guess I’m just more of a natural type of gal. I decided to take the medication.

I took the medication the next day. Within three hours the fun began. Bleeding and cramping just as promised. It took two days for a ping pong amount of tissue to pass. According to the midwife and handouts my bleeding should become lighter everyday now that I’ve reached this milestone. Thank goodness. Well actually the bleeding stayed just as heavy and the cramping got worse. My midwife said it was odd but showed little concern. Day 6 after taking the medication I had awful cramps and passed more tissue. This three inches long, more cylindrical in shape. I suppose my midwife decided that this was odd. I don’t know. I’m taking her word for it. She recommends an ultrasound to see if all of the conception tissue has passed.

The ultrasounds verdict is in. There is tissue left. In addition to my missed miscarriage, I have what they call an incomplete miscarriage. Before now I thought there was only one type a miscarriage. Anyways, the midwife said that I could do a second round of Misoprostol or do a D and C. They don’t think that the misoprostol is going to work for some reason and are recommending the D and C. However I would need a doctor for the procedure, my midwife is happy to refer me to one.

The call from the doctor. The doctor reveals that there is only a very small amount and didn’t seem concerned at all. In fact she said that my body would pass it when it was ready.

I am sooooooo confused about what the hell I am to do. The majority of the miscarriage is done. I saw it. My breast are finally starting to go to normal. The fear of bleeding out in a remote area should be completely gone. Do I really have to do anything about the small amount of conception tissue?? The midwife and the doctor are saying opposites. My only concern is infection.

My gut or instinct rather is telling me that I’m good to go. Has anybody else had a similar situation?