Should i cancel my transfer?


My gut is telling me not to do It. Idk if it’s my true feelings or if it’s being clouded due to the fact that I miscarried my fresh transfer and my lining pattern isn’t where they want It to be. Even though my doctor said the lining is nice and thick and looks very similar to the first transfer lining. I’m so sick of waiting, I just want my take home baby😢 we also didn’t do PGS. We have a total of 6 frozen right now. My insurance covers <a href="">IVF</a> until the end of year. I’d have to hit my deductible again and my out of pocket max in the new year before they covered. So I’m really thinking about another retrieval with pgs before the end of the year. I’m all over the place 😢 I just wish I knew if this was truly my gut feeling or if I’m just very scared

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