How did you decide?


For those of you that have stopped breastfeeding, what made you decide to quit? My son is just over 5 months and all the sudden he isn't happy with nursing. He gets mad that my milk isn't flowing at a constant rate and refuses to wait for the next letdown, which has caused me to get mastitis. I've had a fever for 2 weeks now, the antibiotics aren't working, and my doctor keeps telling me to wait out the medicine because they don'thave room in their schedule to see me. On top of that, my son has decided the world is more interesting than food and will not nurse in public without a fight, which isn't helping my current situation. I took him to a museum last week and he screamed and fought me the entire time. People were staring and it was the first time I've ever been super uncomfortable in public nursing. I had to take him to a nasty bathroom to get him to eat

Today I took him to target and he fought me again and I ended up having to wait an extra hour to feed him once I got home. I just dk if it's worth it anymore, but it makes me sad to think about giving up the bond we have because of breastfeeding. For those of you that switched, did you notice your bond change? I guess I'm afraid to not be needed the way only I can be for him right now. I don't want to feel like I'm giving up. I'm really conflicted about making a decision.