Miscarriage but way darker pregnancy test


This past Monday my HCG levels went down and my doctor told me my options for miscarriage. The next day I started bleeding heavily (Tuesday) and I took a pregnancy test and there was still a pretty faint line. I started cramping and bleeding again today so I texted a friend who has had multiple miscarriages. She told me to take another test to see if it’s negative and call my doctor in the morning (that it should be fine but to make sure everything is okay and try to get an appt) I took another test and it is suuuuper positive. Like pulling dye from the control line positive. Any ideas what is going on? Can HCG levels still rise if you’re actively miscarrying? Like maybe they’re rising, just not doubling and that’s why the line is getting darker? I just reeeeally don’t want to have to have a D&C or take the pill to clear everything out. God this sucks.