Recurrent chemical pregnancies


Has anyone just had repeated chemical after chemical?

Last month was my first month on clomid and at 8DPO my HCG was 1.5 and Progesterone was 108 which seemed great. I got my first vvfl at 9DPO and BFP at 11DPO and then on 15 DPO my HCG was only 13 and progesterone dropped to 7 and I started to bleed two days later. I was told it could be chromosomal issues and I should be okay to try again.

Back to taking my clomid then on day 5 of the bleeding and ovulated on CD 19 and sure enough got my BFP again at 10 DPO.

I didn’t get bloods done to confirm ovulation this cycle because we know the clomid works for that but now this morning my BFP is fading and my symptoms are way less severe, boobs were so so tender and now nothing, and I can feel a chemical coming on again.

I refuse to accept two months in a row as chromosomal issues, has anyone had something similar happen to them?

I have PCOS and I’m starting to believe I might need progesterone supplements for after the 7/8 DPO period