BFN still 5 days early... I lack self control

Alexa • My husband and I have been married since May 2014. We are the proud parents of Levi Peyton born July 5, 2016! We are waiting for our baby girl’s, Ivy Alexandria, arrival April 30!
Man this TWW is the longest!! I still have 5 days before af is supposed to arrive! I am trying not the stress (not working) trying to be ok if it doesn't happen this month (also not working). I was fortunate to get pregnant my first month of trying last time but sadly ended with a miscarriage at 10 weeks. This is my first cycle trying and I feel like I don't have reasonable expectations. I feel like it should just happen the first time again, and I worry I am setting myself up to be bummed if it doesn't. Before anyone gets frustrated with me I am aware that I was lucky to conceive so quickly and I know my TTC journey has been very short. 
Any advice from people who conceived quickly and what happened when they tried again after a miscarriage?
Thanks in advance!