Feeling defeated 😥

Brianna • Wife 👰🏽 Dog Mom 🐶 TTC baby #1 👶🏽🍼

My hubby and I have been trying for almost a year now and I just feel so let down that it's not happening. My best friend recently announced that they're expecting and my sister-in-law told us yesterday that they are too! I'm so excited for my friend and to be an Auntie (both my sisters are younger so it would be a while yet) but I feel so jealous and defeated that it's not our time yet. I just want to be happy for everyone around me and but I can't help but feel this way..I feel so selfish and ashamed.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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I had almost same situations. I had a friend use our name and now my brother and his gf are accidentally. Meanwhile we've been trying on and off for a year. I get you and it's hard not to get angry and feel defeated. I just had another negative test after having all the symptoms and had MC in March. Hopefully our time will come. Until then dont give up hope. You will be the best parent ever. Dealing with adverse situations only makes us stronger and we will be able to teach our kids never to give up. Hope you have baby dust your way!


Brianna • Aug 6, 2019
Thank you for the words of encouragement! I hate feeling this way I know so many of us trying may feel the same way. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss! Baby dust to you too 💜