Is it ok to give my toddler BM

Alyson • Mommy, health and fitness, nerd, Christian, republican, hard worker, list follower, loyal, Leo, dōterra wellness advocate ✌🏼️

We have the summer cold running through the house, my son is 2mo and congested, and exclusively breast feeding.. my daughter is 2 1/2 and on cows milk. Knowing my breast milk creates antibodies for my son, will it help my toddler too? Or will it mess up her stomach?

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Breast milk will be perfect and shouldn’t upset her stomach at all! My sister used to do this with her toddler when she needed it


Alyson • Aug 5, 2019
Thanks so much for the reply! I will pump for her! 💕🙏🏼🤗


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Yes, it’ll help!


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Your boobs were literally made for humans, your milk raised him before it can do it again, it’s more than likely one of the healthiest choices for them actually. They’ll be fine


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Yup! I gave my 2 year old breastmilk in his sippy cup when he got sick 1 week after the new baby was here!


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I have a nursing baby and I always pump a bit for my toddler when he’s immune system needs a boost. He doesn’t like the taste much anymore, he’d rather have milk or water, but he drinks it and it’s never bothered his stomach.


Alyson • Aug 5, 2019
Thanks I will pump for her 🙏🏼🙏🏼💕