Serious question about miscarriage and smoking marijuana

I have had two miscarriages and both times that I found out I was pregnant I immediately stopped smoking weed (I have smoke weed since I was 14 years old) so my question is do you think because I have smoke the majority of my life that it is bad to stop cold turkey like I have? Could that be the cause of my miscarriages? Like maybe my body goes into shock or something? I know I’ll get a lot of negative feed back for smoking weed and I will be told to quit smoking since I know I will be trying for a baby again very soon but it also has taken me years each time to actually get pregnant and unfortunately miscarried both times. And honestly I don’t want to stop smoking as it helps me cope with my feelings. I want to know ur opinions about smoking while TTC or even ur thoughts on smoking while pregnant and breastfeeding? My mom tells me that next time I get pregnant she thinks I should continue smoking (she believes marijuana is actually good for pregnant women).