Opks not working right??


I'm getting frustrated, I dont know if these test strips just don't work right or what. I've been testing since cycle day 2 or 3. Currently I think cycle day 12-13. I typically have 25 day cycles. Been testing and it Has been negative, cant even see a second line at all, sometimes you can it's just very very very faint. You have to squint and turn it a certain way to even see. Today still like this, I started having some watery cm yesterday and today it is thick and stretchy so I think ovulation is very near if not already happening. My app says I'm due to ovulate tomorrow. I have tried testing different times of day, with and without lots of fluid. I should definitely be ovulation pretty soon if not already. I did an insemination anyway on friday and one last tuesday even though I wasn't ovulating yet. I have another insemination tomorrow. What do you all think? Are my tests possibly defective?