Am i wrong for being hurt still over my miscarriage?

I had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago and I was 5 weeks along.. i’ve been so hurt and upset over it ever since. I cry randomly and just feel so empty..

My sister is telling me I should be over it by now and to look at the positives... to me right now there isn’t any positives I’m grieving.. and when I tell her that she tends to go on saying

“People have it way worst than you be lucky you can even conceive cause I know girls who can’t!”

I feel guilty for even being upset over my miscarriage... I feel guilty for being hurt.. like I’m not allowed to feel any way besides okay with it which I can’t come to terms to do right now...

I get people are going through hard times too... even way harder than mine, but doesn’t mean I can’t grieve over this, i loved my little bean no matter how early or how small it was i grew an instant connection when i saw the positives...

I don’t know what do you ladies think...