Having to quit breastfeeding



Hi I am looking for advice and maybe your own experience. I am having to have spine surgery when my little one hits six months in November. I was told today I wouldn't be able to breast feed at that point. I also wouldn't be able to bend twist or pick our baby up for a couple of months. I am so bummed right now. I wanted to be able to make it for 1 year. But medically I cannot put off my health any longer. Today I have been just crying so please be kind. Do you have any advice?

Just to answer questions

1. Surgery is a spinal cord stimulator with paddle leads. Also the removal of an old stimulator and generator.

2. The reason I could not continue would be medications.

3. When I had this procedure done in the past I had a morphine pump and a ketamine pump. Plus neurological medications and muscle relaxers.

Please be kind I don't need to be kicked when I am down. I have so much guilt right now and I have so much fear of what the future is going to be. I will have to give up being the go to person for my baby and rely on family. Last time I had this surgery I had to live in a nursing home and had to learn to walk again. I am very worried and adding the pressures of pumping while going through all of that is not the greatest realistic plan.

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Posted at
I had spine surgery 2 years ago and was able to pick my toddler up 6 weeks post surgery. You can always pump and dump until your off your pain meds and then continue to breast feed after you’re all healed up. Some pain meds are even okay to take while breastfeeding.


Ki • Aug 7, 2019
I really think its up to you on how much you really want to continue breastfeeding... I know pumping and dumping for 2 months seems like a huge waste but you might think that 2 months of that is worth the next year or more you'd get


Ri • Aug 6, 2019
Last time I had this done I was on a morphine pump as well as a ketamine.


Ri • Aug 6, 2019
I was informed I wouldn't be able to earliest would be 2 months. Lots of muscle relaxers and strong pain meds.


Posted at
I’m so sorry mama! I’d be so upset too! I’d start now looking into milk donation. There’s lots of willing mamas on eats for feets and human milk for human babies groups in Facebook.


Sam • Aug 6, 2019
I understand that. Have you looked into insurance covering milk from a milk bank, where it is screened?


Ri • Aug 6, 2019
Thanks Sam, my husband and I agree we are not comfortable with that option. We understand for many ot is such an amazing blessing we are uncomfortable with it being a bodily fluid that isn't being screened.


Posted at
Don't be ashamed if you choose to stop, 6 months is better than nothing at all. You can always try to pump and dump to keep up your supply until you're off of the pain medication even though that would be a lot of work.


Posted at
Would you be able to pump?


Ri • Aug 6, 2019
Thanks I do have a stash I have been building but not nearly enough for just being on breastmilk. We've talked about mixing. I am just so sad that I will not be able to breastfeed. It will be so hard to cut my little guy off and wean him down.


JG • Aug 6, 2019
Oh, wow. I’m sorry. That sounds pretty extensive.


Di • Aug 6, 2019
I’m thinking maybe you can try to pump between now and then and build up a stash ?? That way you can provide some breastmilk to your baby for a few extra weeks or months? You can mix with formula so that baby still gets the benefit of your milk