So close to being induced, baby had her own plans!

Chera • Labour & delivery nurse 👶🏻💉

I had a scheduled induction planned for 41 weeks! I had my mind wrapped around the fact that my baby was not coming on her own, and I was ok with it. I’m a labor and delivery nurse at my local hospital so I know all of the staff and doctors personally so it worked out in my favour that one of my best friends would be working on my induction date, so I was ok with it ☺️!

Baby had different plans lol! 40+6 (the morning of August 4th) I had my first painful tightening for my entire pregnancy. It was around 6am, I thought nothing of it, so I decided to try to go back to sleep. I got up and started my day around 7am, they were closer together by that point so I cleaned the house a bit, and got our toddler ready to go to his grandparents. Around 1030am my contractions were 3-4 minutes and painful, I made my way into L&D, was 4cm 80% effaced when I arrived. I started using gas, walked around the room and sat on the toilet a few times, then was checked again around 12pm and was 5-6cm so I jumped in the tub at this point! I stayed in the tub until 1:25pm, the doctor came and ruptured my membranes as I was still 6cm, head was super low. Things went quickly, I was fully dilated at 2:32pm & delivered at 2:48pm!

Emmie Rae Anne

8lb 6oz

21 inches


Proud big brother Nixon 🥰