TTC After Miscarriage


I have always had irregular periods, had a miscarriage in 2015 and was diagnosed with PCOS this year (2019) in Feb of this year I had 5 Polyps removed from my Uterus and had a D&C due to my irregular periods.

I took birth control to regulate my period, and hated the way it made me feel. Depressed, anxiety and would stop me from being on my A game mentally. So, I stopped.

For the month of July I started my birth control again, oddly enough it did not affect my mood like it did the first round! So I have decided that it is time to track my periods properly and hold myself accountable for taking care of me. Crossing fingers for a couple of months to regulate my cycle to hopefully go back to the doctor to plan on conceiving again.

I’m sure anyone who has been through a miscarriage has spiraled into depression. I am taking the next step to hopefully having a rainbow baby. ❤️ Wish me luck ladies!