8 days late & negative tests


Hi guys, I’ve posted a fair bit on other pages over the last week or so but I’m now officially 8 days late. I’m on the mini pill & never had periods on it UNTIL i started sertraline 4/5 months ago. My periods went back to how they used to be, very regular and the same flow. I bled on the 5th June till the 12th (week exactly as normal for me) and then my partner and I were very sexually active from the 17th June! (When I say very I mean like 2/3 times per day for a week!) I had some weird spotting/brown discharge/light blood on the 28th - 30th June. I’ve been mega nauseous, much sleepier and up and down compared to normal & very restless at night. Peeing much more than normal too and have tender breasts. I’ve done tests and had a blood test a week ago which were all negative. Just need some advice, could I be pregnant and I’m testing too early? When is too late to take a test?

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