

Hey guys I wanted some opinions. It's about 3 weeks (give or take a few days) past my ovulation date and I haven't tested yet but my period is 6 days late today. Today and yesterday I have been really sick in the morning and just nauseous all day but idk if it's the prenatals I'm taking. I've been taking them since May however I didn't take them on Sunday or Saturday and took them again Monday and was sick and took them this morning and was sick but I've skipped days before if I ran out or didn't have my pills with me and it's never happened. I had some super light spotting for a day or 2 what do you guys think? And I know I need to test however I have to get a test first I was waiting to see if my period would come because sometimes it's 3 days late so I was trying to be patient but if I test and I am pregnant it should show by now right?