Sick baby 😞


Scarlett has come down with something, most likely, hopefully, just a cold. She was up twice last night crying. Which is unusual. I chalked it up to teething or being over tired since she only napped for 1.5 hours the day before, couldn’t find the Tylenol, she stopped so I went back to sleep. She was coughing a lot in her sleep this morning and she slept in till about 8am. She’s usually up at 6:30am. She refused to eat breakfast or drink any milk. She’s so snotty and breathing through her mouth. The nose frida is our best friend. She’s refusing to sleep, I tried laying her down at her tired signs but nope. She stood there yelling and coughing. So I gave her some Tylenol, since she has a low grade fever and figured if she’s uncomfortable from that or teething, Tylenol might help her sleep. Wrong. She is wild and will not nap!

But she seems in a good mood. Hopefully she’ll take a nap. Or eat. This is the first time she’s been sick but hopefully it passes soon.