No longer know what to do...

I’ve been in a committed relationship for 6 years now, recently we went through a rough patch where we both lost our jobs and he lost his mind and ended up with the hospital because of it. We had to go on welfare, honestly it was the lowest point of my life. Fast forward to now, I have a new job and I’m loving it! But I’ve met someone and I really really like him. It’s hard though because he wants to be with me but I’m still with my SO but now I feel like I should be with someone else? But I love my boyfriend so much and he’s going through some hard times that I feel I couldn’t leave him even if I wanted to. I want a life too and I want to be happy, I’m just confused. Am I being selfish?? Because I’m thinking this way should I leave my boyfriend for this new guy or should I stay and work it out?

*thought I’d add my boyfriend is having mental issues due to drug abuse and in that time he got psychosis and beat the shit out of me. We were engaged 3 times and every time he changed his mind, he’d always blame everything on me and my anxiety. I honestly wouldn’t be interested in someone else if I was happy in my relationship. I do very very much love my boyfriend but I’m thinking I deserve better? Or should I stick it out and help him reach his full happiness then leave? Because I do want the best for him but I’m risking losing myself in the process.