first time


okay so basically this happened like months ago around September and i had sex for the first time and i bled A LOT there was a huge stain on the bed and i bled for days after but it was not my period as i ended it about a week before. the blood was like clumpy like jello consistency and i tried to put tampons in but i would use the restroom and clumps of blood maybe like tissues even? would like just pour out of me and it would force the tampon out. it got so bad that i slept in the shower and had to use like bed wetter pads. i’m not saying this to scare anyone that is thinking about having sex first bc i did it completely wrong with someone who wasn’t gentle and i was def not ready so i’m sure it wouldn’t be that traumatizing for most other people but i just wanted to know what was going on if anyone could tell me ahaha. i’m fine now i’ve been getting normal periods and have no more pain or excessive blood clumps. haha sorry if this is tmi but i was a 14 year old girl freaking out about if i was going to be okay and now i just want to know what was going on and what i did wrong.