Birth story

Monika • Mom of 3. adopted boy and girl, rainbow baby girl after TTC for 21 years

I was 40 weeks and 3 days and so ready to meet my sweet baby girl. I decided to go to the mall with my mom and mother in law. We walked around and shopped for 3 hours. I started to feel uncomfortable no contractions just tired and not myself. We decided to surprise my husband and have lunch in his office. I wasn’t hungry so I just hung out and chatted. My husbands boss came in to great us all and told a cute story about his daughters birth, and I felt a small gush just enough to wet my panties. I was to embarrassed to tell anyone in fear that I peed my pants so we said our good byes and we left.

My mother in law, mom and I were on the way home back at my place when I started having contractions and then I felt another gush not enough to wet my pants, but this time I was sure I didn’t pee my pants. I said guys I think my water broke . My mother in law said no it would be a lot maybe you just peed I said no I’m pretty sure my water broke my mother in law said no it would be a lot not just a little bit. I shrugged it off and when we got home I went into the bathroom took off my panties and I could smell a sweet smell not pee at all . I called the hospital and explained what happened they advised me to eat something and come in.

Contractions were getting stronger, I called my husband and told him come home I think this is it, and then took a shower. I got out got dressed and found something to eat. By then my husband came home and we rushed to the hospital. We got to the hospital around 2 pm they hooked me up to the monitors to track baby’s heart and contractions,and I was told my contractions were not strong enough so they said they said they needed to do some tests to see if my water broke. I was so scared I didn’t want to be sent home again. I went in a week earlier thinking my water broke but it was pool water coming out from a long day at a pool party. 2 hours later they confirmed that my water did break it was a small tear at the top of my uterus and that’s why there was no big gush. I finally was admitted 😄

They started me on Pitocin, my contractions were hard and strong but the baby kept darting away from the monitor and they couldn’t get a reading on her heart beat. So Dr. Came in and had screw in a fetal monitor on the top of babies head and had to be inserted vaginally. That was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt. I was only 2 cm dilated so she really had to stretch and get in there. After that I asked for my epidural.

5 pm I got my epidural it was a little sting but tolerable as I was curled over my belly I felt a big gush the nurses was in front of me helping me stay calm and still, I told her my water broke she said it’s ok don’t worry. I could hear it splashing on the ground and I could feel the nurses pants getting wet. I felt another big gush, I once again said my water broke again they told me it’s ok don’t worry. When the epidural was in I told the nurses sorry about your pants, she looks down and said wow your water broke I didn’t even notice my pants are wet. I said I’m sorry I tried to tell you. Poor thing quickly left to change her clothes.

By 6 pm I was comfortable and still only 2 centimeters dilated. I didn’t care for the numb tingling feeling in my legs but it was better than feeling contractions. So I decided to take a nap 😴.

About an hour later two nurses came rushing in the room. Baby’s heart rate dropped she wasn’t handling the contractions well. The nurses frantically tried repositioning me to keep baby happy.

Her heart rate got stable and I went back to sleep. About 15 minutes later the nurses rushed back in with the same issue, this went on every 15 to 20 minutes

from 8pm to 3am. Baby was not happy with the contractions and was fighting hard. A nurse came in at 3:55am and checked me I was already 10 centimeters dilated they called the Dr. And by 4:05 I was pushing, 4:15 baby Jasmine was here. 7 pounds and 20.5 inches long. Health and happy family.

And now 3 months later