Bleeding in between periods


So two years ago we ttc for about 3-4 months, I was off BC for a total of 5-6 months. My periods went right back to how they were prior to me being on birth control, but 3-4 months out of the time I was off of birth control I had spotting starting about a week before my period. Had blood work done, and even an ultrasound, everything came back 100% normal. So I went off of bc back in January because we are thinking of trying again in the next 6 months and given what happened last time I wanted to give my body ample time to get its shit together. Completely normal periods January-April, I spotted in between in May, but I was super stressed and everything was normal in June. Now July and this month I’m spotting again. My periods are still their normal length and flow. Anyone else experience this? I have a doctors appointment but it didn’t give me any clarification last time. No symptoms other than the spotting.