Hair removal for Lady Bits

Tara • 23🪁 || 2x mama 🩰🧢

Help a girl out pleasee!😬🙏🏼I’ve tried Nair before and didn’t seem to work for me, some hair came off but most of it stayed attached. Usually i shave about every four days because eventually my panties will tug at my prickles and cause irritation so i keep it short at all times. I’ve also tried waxing but that shit hurts😂 and i guess I don’t rip it off correctly because not all the hair comes off so i just need tips in general 🤦🏼‍♀️How do you keep your downstairs practically bald and what products do you use?

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I’d wax but get it done professionally, they will do a better job than you can on your own and it’ll get off more hair and hurt less


Tara • Aug 6, 2019
Okay thanks. I’ll have to see how much they charge here.