Could this be PCOS? Anyone had similar?

Liz • Wife. Mom. Baby #2 due Jan 2021.

Hi, all! So I’m just looking for some real life experience/information.

My last two cycles have been 42, then 46 days apart. I went and saw my Gyn, and she thinks it’s due to the hormone changes in my body since weaning my son - I breastfed until May, and that’s when my periods cycles started getting longer. She discussed Clomid with me, and said that she isn’t concerned yet, but I could give it a few months and decide what I felt was best.

Anyway, I’m recently TTC again, and I’ve been tryin to track my ovulation I started OPKs on 7/30, and I have gotten positive sticks every single day - 8 days in a row. I read online that constant LH surges can be a sign/symptom of PCOS. Has this been true for anyone? If this is something I need to consider, I want to be as far ahead of it as I can... just looking for any information. 🤷🏻‍♀️