

Alright so about a week ago i just felt off and i know me and my boyfriend have been trying to have a baby and my body felt different so i took a test and it gave me the faintest line (will post picture below) and now i’m 5 days late(i’m usually always on time) so i decided to take another test but it was negative. also today i thought i started my period but i’ve only had very very dark brown spotting and that was it. usually before i start my period and when i get my period i get horrible cramps and horrible leg cramps that leave me in bed in pain but i’ve felt none of that. my breasts are also very sore and i’ve been nauseous but idk if i’m just tricking my body into thinking i’m pregnant because i want to be so bad. being a girl is hard🙄 do y’all think i’m just about to start my period? or what is going on