Birth story-long-

y🤦‍♀️ • Boy mom x2 +a bonus boy , expecting our first girl🥳

Now that im home, and not feeling awful ill share my birth story.

My little girl was due August 5th, and at my last appointment i was only 2cm, so the dr did a sweep, and told me hed leave me till 42 weeks before inducing. So ofcourse i wasnt happy, fast forward to Sunday the 4th i made my kids and husband come on a 2 hour walk/hike, 20 min in i felt crampy but nothing serious. We finished the walk, and went to my moms, where lucky me had my bloody show. I had some contractions but not regular. We went to a bbq, then i decided i should call L&D, they told me to come in. So went and got checked and was 3-4cm, but my contractions still were regular so they said i wasnt likely in labour, come back in a couple hours. So i did, and I was 6cm, still no regular contractions but they kept me due to my fast labours. At midnight the dr came to check and i was 8-9cm and he decidex to break my water. So i asked for pain meds as any contractions i did get were in my back. (Up until then i wasnt even considered in labour as my contractions followed no pattern). They asked if i felt like i needed to push as the medicine they were giving would make baby drowsy, at the time i didnt need to push. So they went ahead and administered it, and 2 minutes later before it even kicked in i had to push! They paged the dr that was still in the hospital, just grabbing coffee from the cafe. Well my little girl had other plans and 2 small pushes later she was crowing, and a nurse was delivering her, the dr showed up before my last push, and then she was born. She pooped in the womb and had a giant knot in her cord, so the dr said i was lucky to go into labour when i did, as if i had went over due the knot could of tightened more and she wouldnt of made it. So from admittance till her arrival was 3 hours, she is perfectly healthy, weighed 7lb 12 oz, and 21 inches long. I hemorrhaged badly so we had to stay for 2 nights, but im now feeling great.