Any Moms Who Have Had Preterm Labor/ Placental Abruption.


Long story short I had a subchrionic hemorrhage my last pregnancy and I was spotting from 5 weeks until 16 weeks. At 16 weeks I started heavily bleeding clots and was diagnosed with placental abruption. My doctors never knew the cause of it but my gut feeling says that since I had the subchrionic hemorrhage and it never went away it cause my placenta to not attach properly, therefore causing my placental abruption (that’s just my opinion; I could be wrong). Anyways at 16 weeks was when they saw I had placental abruption, and from there it just kept getting worse and worse and my bleeding was so bad I had to wear adult diapers. My water ended up breaking at 21 weeks. This pregnancy everything looks normal and healthy but my doctor wants to put me on progesterone shots. The only issue with that is that I don’t want to take progesterone shots if not necessary. Does anyone think I can get away with not taking the progesterone shots since my last pregnancy I’ve had problems since the beginning and this pregnancy everything is normal, or has anyone had any similar experience and not taken the shots. I really want to weigh out all my options and try to avoid progesterone shots but if I really need to get them then I will. I’ve tried talking to my OBGYN but she obviously keeps pushing me to get them but I don’t think she has taken into consideration that my water broke because my placenta was weak already. Thanks in advance!