Got my 2nd opinion today...

Meg • TTC after losing our baby girl at 37 weeks 👼🏻

Went in for my 2nd opinion appointment today after my first OBGYN said we had to go straight to <a href="">IVF</a> due to borderline severe Male Factor Infertility. (There are two doctors in my town that will do <a href="">IUI</a> but we don’t have <a href="">IVF</a> options here...they’re 3 hrs away at the very least)

I really like the dr. He’s straight forward, knows exactly what to ask, and he really listened to me (which was a first!)!

He said YES!! Ugh, what a relief. He said it’s not a slam dunk, but definitely worth a try.

Bad news (or maybe good news?): he did a quick transvaginal ultrasound and right away asked if anyone had ever mentioned my lining being super thick and pointed out an area that he said was either a polyp or early pregnancy.

So we wait for a period. If my period starts, I start Femara on cd3, have a hysteroscopy cd7, and a follicle study cd10-12.

Has anyone else had this happen?!