Would you be okay w your bf meeting up w girls so they can give him money to buy them alcohol/pods?

My boyfriend went to a huge high school and he was very popular. I feel like I'm a very chill girlfriend when it comes to other females... my boyfriend has a lot of girls that are friends that he texts and has streaks on snapchat with. I trust him and he's never hid anything from me when it comes to his past and I know the password to his phone and he allows me on it whenever I want.... I dont know if I'm just getting annoyed for no reason or what but my boyfriend has a lot of girls that he will meet up with and they give him money to buy them alcohol or pods for their juuls. And no, he's not going to hook up with them. He takes me with him to meet up w them all the time so they all know me.

Idk why its frustrated me so much lately but it annoys me that all of these girls hit him up for this🙄

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