cramps and heavy bleeding at 12weeks

i’ve been cramping for the past 3 days and it was nothing bad.. i just thought that it was my uterus stretching or whatever then i woke up and saw that i was bleeding and it was very light but i still put on a pad to see if the bleeding was gonna get worse.

hours later, my pad is fillleddddd with blood and the cramps got so bad, to the point where i couldn’t stand up to take a shower💔

i’m so scared. i don’t wanna lose my bby! i have an appointment today at 9 for an ultrasound & i just really hope that i see a baby on there.

& it also feels as if my symptoms have gone away. my boobs aren’t sore anymore and that was like the main symptom i had. but my stomach is still kinda big so idk.

ugh idk what to do. sorry it’s a lot.