Ttc rant

It’s o day n my man works hard n didn’t sleep well last so tried getting him all hyped up for baby dancing n all I get is snoring. Him being 10 years older doesn’t help n his daughter soon leaving for school after having her all summer is tearing at him so all that is not helping the sex drive where my only outlet is sex because I can’t drink because I have to take care of her all day n get her ready for bed I’m pretty sure she has adhd because she is s big handful to do anything with. Don’t smoke because we couldn’t afford it even if I wanted to but trying for 3 years plus kinda makes you do everything crazy n to a t n finally getting myself to the point I know my days I need to have sex n what not n added a supplement n I know it helped me but now not having sex tonight makes me feel like a failure n it’s never going to happen because we never time sex right because he doesn’t want it or too tired or we are apart for when it happens so hopefully sperm from two days ago is enough because I’m 90% sure I ovulated this morning so I already feel like I’m out this month. Ps I don’t tell him whenever I know we need to have sex because he feels too pressured to have it so then everything just fails fully when he knows we need to/should. I just hate this ttc battle I wish it was over pcos hurts so much mentally physically n emotionally