Coming Back to Christianity with a High Count

So... I’m coming back to Christianity after seven years a Wiccan, in part due to my deeply religious boyfriend. He doesn’t believe in waiting for marriage; when I was Christian when I was younger, I believed strongly in waiting till marriage, but I have since had sex with over five guys. I was my boyfriend’s first, and I made sure he felt spiritually right by it- but now as my faith comes back, I’m forced to face my own past, and question my future. Is it hypocritical to ask God for forgiveness for the number of cardinal pleasures I’ve partaken in and then continue with who I’m with? How do I feel right by myself regardless with trying to be more spiritually sound and knowing everything I’ve done?

(Please no judgment here, just opinions. I’m new at this; I was 11 when I declared agnosticism and I’m now in young adulthood.)