How to know if your boyfriend is your soulmate

Hi Guys!!

So I’m 18 and me and my boyfriend have been dating for 6 months but we have been best friends for 6 years. Back when I was 12 I had a crush on him and we dated but I thought he was messing with another girl later on I found out that wasn’t the case. By then it was too late he started dated another girl, they had been dating since and recently broke up in November of last year. We started dating in February and I’m honestly tired of starting over or thinking that I’m being taken advantage of he claims that he never stopped liking me he stayed messing with me and he never treated me differently. Back then I never gave it to much thought but now I think was he actually flirting and he claims he was. We now still act like we’re best friends fight one another, call each other names, fart around each other. 😂 you name it but I don’t want that to end.