Does this sound like early labor?


So this is my second child but literally everything has been Soo Different. My water broke with a huge gush with my first so I obviously knew with her.

Last night I was sitting on the couch and I swore I felt some liquid run out thay was warm. I went to the bathroom and chalked it up to just a lot of discahrge which is totally normal so i let it go. Well then I randomly started having horrible diarrhea like over and over. Finally it subsided so I could get some sleep. Woke up this morning to the feeling that i kept needing to go but nothing really came out. And now i just feel off and super crampy like bad period pains. I also keep gettin some Braxton hicks contractions but I am starting to wonder if maybe its like super early labor? I am only 33+1 but it just feels so different