

After having been told I had or was gonna have a chemical pregnancy after a “drop” in HCG only for it to start doubling after. After having my HCG re-ran only to find out supposedly it never dropped that it just stayed the same for two days. After being taken off medication for three days and put back on due to the sudden rise in HCG. After being told it’s likely not a viable pregnancy and that I may have an ectopic pregnancy and to go to the ER for any pain. I went in today for an ultrasound at 5 weeks and 3 days there it was a sac in my uterus!

After all I have been through I was just hoping that anything would be in my uterus to avoid taking methotrexate if it were ectopic.. she could not see the yolk just yet. Said the sac is measuring small and that’s likely why. And this is a super early scan and this is what she would expect to see especially given my numbers are on the lower end But I’m just such in disbelief it was there... that maybe there’s a chance after all of this!