Eve vs Glow - Risk of Pregnancy

Tish • 💁🏻‍♂️💁🏽‍♀️🐶😺😸 TTC #1 💚🤞🏽👶🏼🤞🏽💚

I’m confused! One says ovulation is on the 12th and the other says the 13th. Why are they different? I put the same info on both apps...🤔

I have OPK strips, which I was going to start using on the 9th, but guess I’ll start tomorrow in case I ovulate on the 12th? I was going to BBD every other day, but starting when? 🤯

I can’t take BBT because I have interstitial cystitis and wake up at least 4-5 times during the night to pee. I never get 3 consecutive hours of sleep before waking up. 😖