Rude Sister-in-Law (to be)


I have never had a good relationship with my FSIL but I have known, and been a part of my fiancé’s family for over 20 years. My fiancé and I will be married Sept 28, my FSIL is getting married Aug 31. Originally we had decided that it was going to fiscally irresponsible for us to attend her wedding on the other side of the country (we all live about an hour apart). I told my fiancé that he should still go because it’s his sister and that I’d stay behind to save $400 on a plane ticket. His family went behind my back to guilt him into going anyway no matter how much it was going to strain us financially. We later received the wedding invitation in the mail, address ONLY to my fiancé. That was my last straw. She has a guest list of 400+ people but her brother’s fiancée wasn’t addressed.

She told him in a text that HE was invited to the rehearsal dinner, said nothing about me. We have figured out how to afford us both going and now I am bitter about it all. How do I handle her and this entire situation??