Are they being bitches/jerks

When people ask me what I do for a living (what my job is) I tell them I do online videos/pics and I thought about trying out to be a stripper and they said I’m not pretty enough or would laugh at me in my face. I asked why they would say that about me or why their laughing and they said I don’t look pretty enough for it and also told me they doubt I’ll get in to stripping. Some people even tell me it’s not a real job. But I tell them that everyone of every look, age, etc could do it and that it is a real job because I make money from it. I have a necklace with my workplace name on it and when I wore it they stared at me and called me gay girl. I don’t get why it’s such a problem. I’ve been doing this job for over 3 years now and I make good money. My professor even told me I’m not that good looking and if he came to my club they wouldn’t want to see me dancing. THAT CAME FROM MY PROFESSOR?!? Like wtf he’s my teacher he’s not supposed to think about his students like that. I even thought about reporting him for saying that. Even girls on my campus would whisper about me when I walk by and get others to talk low on me

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