Single mom feeling unsupported..

Kris🕷 • 19🌿 My boy is here!

Look. I’m gonna say it straight, being a parent is hard, especially without help.

My ex and I hadn’t been okay in a VERY long time. Things got worse after I had our son. I had to beg for help and in all of his 4 months of life have had 3 days to myself and he’s had 4 times that. His excuse was that he works hard for us, he’s tired and deserves time for himself. He actually had two off days and worked AT MOST 7 hours a day, but it was extremely rare. Those two off days were spent watching tv, going out and playing Pokémon Go or sitting around drinking. His mom/sister would help but his sister insults our son (so I didn’t want anything from her) and his mom is terrified of him crying. He did offer to change his diaper from time to time, but refused every time if it was a poopy diaper an majority of the time if I asked him to make a bottle.

Our last fight was because he went out for a friend’s birthday two days in a row and didn’t call and say if he was coming home or not after saying he’d let me know. I even told him every morning three days in a row that I was feeling overwhelmed and needed his help. When I asked him, he told me that his friend was supposed to tell me for him and that I was overreacting because he was coming home and doesn’t need to call if he’s coming home regardless of what he said. He ended up not coming home..

I ended things and moved out of my ex’s house with my son about two weeks ago. I was fed up with being misunderstood, disrespected and judged all the time. Plus with our awful past on top of everything, it was time to go. Mentally I’ve been feeling so much better, I’ve been motivated and feeling like myself again.

The downside is, I still haven’t gotten much help. He only sees his son one day a week and the rest of the week doesn’t call/text to see how he’s doing. His reasoning is that he misses him more and seeing him less keeps him from missing him (which makes no sense) He got a second job a few days after we left and even though “he works hard for us” hasn’t gotten him anything he needs. But he did spend about $150 on figurines at a convention where the tickets cost $50 to get in and I’ve seen him go out to eat with his friends on Instagram.

I want to get a job but I can’t because I have no one to watch my son. I really don’t know what to do. His dad does nothing for him but claims him 100%.

I know it sounds like I’m just some dumb 19 year old complaining but I have no one to talk to about this. I really would like advice because I feel like I’m stuck going no where.