Low hearbeat 9 wks

Carolina • Happy wife 💏 and mother of a baby with wings- Lûa S. V👼 🌈

We had our first ultrasound today according to my last period, i should be 9 weeks 2 days, the Dr. Said my baby's hearbeat was not strong (80mbp) and drew some blood from me. We have our next appointment Monday but i am beyond devastated since she said my baby will propably not grow and well..miscarriage. It broke me in ways i cant describe. Did anyone go through something like this? Did anything positive came out of it? Please share and please pray for my baby not to leave me



Today my husband and I said our farewells to our baby who is now back in heaven. We are so thankful for his short visit, the happiness our little love brought to us will forever be engraved in our hearts. Thank you to all of you that keep us in prayer and for your kind words of support. ♡ Rest in piece my love, until we meet again.