Postpartum Period/Fertility

My period has not yet returned since having my son 11 months ago. I dropped to one breastfeeding session a day several weeks ago and stopped all together over 2 weeks ago trying to conceive again. I’ve been checking cervix, cm and ovulation tests. On the 27th I had EWCM and all the right signs of ovulation. Ever since I have had tons of watery/stretchy cm, cervix is super high and seems full if that makes sense. I’ve taken 3 pregnancy tests and all are negative during the timeframe but all have a line several hours later getting progressively darker. I started taking ovulation tests again as I’m still having lots of stretchy cm, but cervix is as high as it can get and closed.

Anybody have any advice?? At this point I want my period to come so I can get back on track and know what’s happening or get a BFP!! 😭😭😭