I don’t know what to do

Soooo, before getting into a relationship with my boyfriend, we talked for months and we always said if one of us cheated we would leave. Later on, we developed stronger feelings and we changed it to, “I love you so much if you cheated I’d be heartbroken but wouldn’t leave you. “ and somewhere after that it was “we get a hall pass if we feel the need if one of us does cheat and we decide to stay” like fine, we were okay with it more or less because we didn’t see each other ever cheating...

We began making our relationship official and then he violated his probation like an idiot and he was sent to jail, he was sentenced eventually 2 and a half years. Like woah! I figured we weren’t going to be in the relationship but we didn’t end things.

I’m dumb asf and I slept with someone else after a year....then he got out of jail a little early....I decided to tell him and it wasn’t immediately but I did.

We worked through it, so I thought, and now months later here we are and I’m 13 weeks pregnant and now he isn’t sure how to handle it, he said he loves me but is still hurt from what I did and now he wants that “hall pass”.

I obviously knew this would happen but didn’t expect it, but my problem is I don’t want him talking to another girl because we all know feelings probably will develop and then what?? Like ughhh 😢