I just need advice on what I'm supposed to say to my husband


We are in a tough spot right now money wise because I'm not getting paid. So my husband is working overtime every week so we can barely scrape by. What do I tell him.. I'm 34.1 and it's really getting to me and my Braxton Hicks are getting worse. And it makes me feel like shit knowing he feels like he's failing his parents.. he was a straight A student in high school, worked two jobs from the day he dropped out of college (he doesn't know what he wants to go to school for anymore) until a few months ago when he went full time so he could work overtime.. he has his own vehicle and all his bills are in mine and his name's. And we've been fine up until I got taken off work. Now he feels like he's failing everyone and his parents.. what do I say to him.. 😔😔