My boyfriend is moving


So this me and my boyfriend! We have been together for 17 months now. I’m a junior in high school and he is moving 2 hours away to go to college. 😩 I’ve never loved someone so much before. We had a falling out last year when he left me and got together with another girl but it didn’t last long and he soon came running back to me and I could not help but take him back. But ever since we’ve been amazing other than me having trust issues that he will leave me or cheat on me. We are staying together even tho he is moving. This boy means the world to me, I can’t lose him again. No one has ever made me this happy. I’ve never opened up to someone else like I have with him. He doesn’t judge my body and I’m so insecure about myself. I’m so scared of losing him I don’t know what to do. I just hate missing him and I know I won’t be seeing him much do to college and football 😖 any suggestions could help