Breakthrough bleeding???


This may be a little long winded so stay with me! TTC #3. I stopped the pill last week. Last Thursday would have been my day to restart the pack but obviously I didn't. I had a normal period, Thursday through Monday night and it stopped as usual. Tonight before I got in the shower it restarted. I had a super intense workout tonight so idk if it had anything to do with it.

While TTC my other two I was on Lo lo estrin for like 10 years and never got a period. Also with the first two I stopped mid pack and it was a mess so I haven't had a similar experience. Since having my son (1st birthday last Friday!!) I've had hormonal and psychological issues (PPA and/or PPD but self diagnosed). I switched to a stronger pill a few months ago and it really evened out my hormones and I'm much better but for the first time in over a decade I've had regular periods.

I was shocked that I started bleeding again. I guess my question is what should I expect for ovulation or when should I expect my next period? Does anyone have a similar experience?

Idk if this means anything but it took 2 cycles for my first and 4 cycles for my second to conceive. Both August babies so we're really trying to avoid a third August baby, oh and I'm also an August baby.

Any input welcome!!!