Help is anyone else experiencing this

Allison • 💙 July 2018 💜 Aug 2020

Since July 4th weekend some flip got switched with my kid and now he HATES bath time. Won’t sit and stands up and clings to me the whole time screaming. (I’ve tried getting in with him and that doesn’t help). Nothing happened to make him scared and his bottom isn’t sore in any way. I don’t know why this happening. It’s so sad because bath time used to be the best time and now it’s horrible. Has anyone else experienced this? We’re going on a month of this... thanks!!

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Posted at
I thought I’d share this as there is a few mummas saying their little ones don’t like their hair being washed. You should be able to get one of these from your dollar store or target or maybe even Walmart. Or you can google or search eBay for ‘bath shower hair visor’. I used one for my little girl when she was younger and it worked a treat!!These are just images from google.


Lisa • Aug 10, 2019
Yeah! I’m probably getting one of these lol. I had one when I was a baby too


Posted at
My girl still enjoys bath time for the most part...she gets really excited when I place her in there with my hubby, and starts to play with her toys, but like everyone else, the minute he tries to wash her hair, or pour water over her head COMPLETE MELTDOWN. We usually wash her hair every other day, and now we’re washing it every 2-3 days cause she seriously hates it. Its weird cause she loves the water! And she looooves swimming as well. Although, I haven’t tried to dunk her yet😳


Posted at
My daughter still likes bath time but freaks in the shower. She also gets upset when it's time to wash her hair and tries to grab me or get away. (Been doing this for about a month). My oldest was always scared of water for a little bit and hated bath time. I think she was around 4 before I could wash her hair without her screaming. I just put a very small amount of water in the tub, just enough to sit in but I would have to fill the cup to wash her hair from the sink. And once that amount was okay I slowly added more each week. And I got her bath toys. I let her pick them out and only let her have them at bath time. I would also let her take baths with me some so she saw that it wasn't so bad.


Autumn • Aug 9, 2019
Then maybe just slowly increasing the amount will help him too. 😄


Allison • Aug 9, 2019
I’ll try this! He has no problem being in the tub when it’s empty 🤔


Posted at
Try a shower? Or try bath products.. jelly baff or slim baff or I used to add i tiny bit of food Colouring to my daughters bath and she loved it!


Allison • Aug 9, 2019
Yep! I’m gonna try a shower next!


Posted at
Poor guy! My girl still likes bath time but she suddenly gets whiny when she knows it’s time to wash her hair & that’s new!He’s probably at the age where he’s just more aware of water and what it can do. Have you done swim lessons? My daughter LOVED them and still loves splashing in the tub like they did in swim class.Also, what about a sink bath? I know that’s going back to the infant days, but maybe that would feel more secure and confining to him! I hope it gets better, momma!


Allison • Aug 9, 2019
My mom tried a sink bath when I was away for a few days (just Bc it was easier for her physically) and whereas he was distracted by the novelty of it for a few minutes he started crying like 3 min in. We have done swim lessons and he’s not scared of the pool. So weird! Might try showers or filling up the tub with barely any water!