Let’s b REAL

Ok but let’s b real... I can’t b the only one freaking out and overwhelmed w twins. People keep saying aren’t u excited and I always wanted twins. And I’m like nope I never wanted twins. I have a 4 yo and 1, almost 2 yo. Both boys. I just wanted a girl. 3 was already going to b a stretch bc I’ve done this before and my kids r a handful. We had hired a nanny to start w the twins and she just bailed last night. The girl who was hosting my shower just texted she has too much going on. Tomorrow we find out gender. We know from the blood test it’s at least one boy, maybe 2. If I have 4 boys I think I’m just going to die. Like how do I get out of this hot mess? When did I sign up for 4 children? I never ever imagined this. I feel so stuck. Everyone else is excited but this is just sucking right now.