Depends on me for naps!!! Help!!!

Baby girl is almost 4 months old. She has been struggling with sleep since the beginning😩 I have finally got her in a good sleeping schedule/ routine at night, however her naps are horrible during the day. She wants to be held throughout her naps and instantly wakes up once I put her down in her crib even if she’s deep sleep!! I have this nurse that visits us to check on her progress up to two years. She told me that I shouldn’t let her depend on me for nap time since all she wants is to be held. Which is true I don’t want her to depend on me so much. I was trying the drowsy, but awake method today which is to put her in her crib sleepy, but alert enough so she can soothe herself to sleep which worked for her first nap, but her other two naps were out of wack and was fighting them so hard with constant crying😩.. How can I have her on a good napping routine?? And how can I have her nap without having to rock her and being hold her through her naps😩😩.. Any advice is God send!! Please and Thank you!!!🙏