I found comfort in him.

Leah Lou • 24 | always curious | would love to try new things |

I don’t know. I just want to write out what I’m feeling right now. I’ve been with for not that long, 5months. We’re in a long distance relationship because his in military. But if we get chance to see each other, it’s either he visits me or I’ll visit him. But recently, he’s here right now for a 2 weeks leave, but I only saw him once in that entire two weeks. Well, his family’s also here tho and he said he got caught up with this project he and his brother’s doing that needs to be done before he leaves. I mean, I understand it. But there are really times that I’ve been longing to see him since it’s been 3months since the last time we see each other. I’m really upset about it and I was able to tell things that made him feel bad. He’ll be leaving tomorrow, and I’m planning to sneak out at the airport and watch him go from a distance. I won’t let him know that I’m around. I know his family will be there too. Do I sound so stupid for still having the courage to keep our relationship? I don’t know, but I feel that there’s still things worth holding on. I love him, I really do. 5 months may not be that long, but I found comfort in him. Maybe till we meet again. Before his 4months long training. Hopefully.