Antidepressants and periods


Hey girls! There’s a lot of information that contradicts out there and was hoping to hear some personal accounts! I was on Zoloft 50mg for almost 9 months and then the past 3 months I’ve halved my dose to 25mg (to taper off to eventually stop all together) and in the last 2 months I’ve gotten my period 5 times!!! My hormones are obviously all out of wack and I don’t know if it’s because I’m tapering off my Zoloft or not. You should also know that I’m on microlut mini pill also.. combination pill gives me bad side effects.

Would love to hear anyone else’s experience with antidepressants and if it effected your period, if at all. Thanks in advance!

I’ve made a doctors appointment and I’m going today to get their opinion also but I find personal accounts to be the most helpful thing :)