What is the biggest challenge you find about parenting a newborn or baby

For me, I can deal with the sleepless nights and crying and cluster feeding but my biggest challenge is the contradictory advice on how to raise a baby. Like how in the world am I supposed to know what to do if today am told, "don't carry baby too much or he will always want to be carried" and tomorrow I read "you can't spoil a baby" or "babies need to be carried, they were in the womb 24/7 for 9 months and need a smooth transition, they don't even know that they are not a part of you"

Or "feed baby every 2-3 hours" am told and then I read "during growth spurt or mental leap, baby needs to feed more, and cluster feeding is normal as baby prepares for night time with long hours of not feeding"

Or even worse. " Baby should have a sleep routine" then I read, "it is impossible to put a baby into a routine as they don't even have the cognitive ability to develop one or remember"

The worst are people who come to visit and tell me not to carry baby, am over carrying him... Then I out him down and he stays there for a while but when he starts crying, I leave him down and they are the same people who walk over and carry him up. Am like " didn't you just say I should not carry him up?" One cry and they can't even let him be and they are judging me.

Like for crying out loud! What is what? How am I supposed to know if what am doing is right if one says it is ok and the next says it is wrong! Sometimes I just want to shut the voices out.